Your Personal Health Information and your Medical Record may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:

  • For communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied
    health professionals
  • For follow up reminder/recall notices
  • For National/State or territory registers (eg. Immunisation data)
  • For State/Territory reminder systems, (eg cervical screening – pap smears reminders or familiar cancer registries).
  • Accounting/debt collection
  • Medicare claiming
  • Quality Assurance activities such as accreditation
  • For disease notification as required by law (e.g. infectious diseases)
  • For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law (e.g. subpoena, court order,
    suspected child abuse)
  • For research purposes (de -identified, meaning you are not able to be identified from the information given)

If you have any concerns or wish to restrict access to your personal health information please discuss these with your doctor or receptionist.

This practice adheres to principles of the RACGP Handbook for the Management of Health Information in Private Medical Practice and has a written policy, which is available to all patients for inspection.

To view our written privacy policy click here.
When designing our surgery, the need for privacy both audible and visible, were major considerations. We have achieved this by having a separate reception area, although to ensure your safety the waiting room is visible from reception. The patient flow is designed to reduce contact with other patients, particularly important when you are unwell or upset.


All patient health information is considered private and confidential, and therefore any information regarding individual patients, including staff members who may be patients, must not be disclosed in any form (verbally, in writing, electronic forms inside/outside our practice) except for strictly authorised use within the patient care context at our practice or as legally directed.

“Health information” includes medical details, family information, patient demographics, billing history and financial records. Health information must not be accessible by the public.

Any information given to unauthorised personnel will result in disciplinary action, possible dismissal and other legal consequences. Our practice complies with Federal and State legislation.


Our practice welcomes your feedback and suggestions. You will find a suggestion box located in our waiting room. Alternatively you can speak to a member of our staff.

If you have a complaint please feel free to discuss it with our Practice Manager or your doctor. If you feel you are not satisfied with the response from this practice, you can contact the Health

Complaints Commissioner at:
The Office of the Health Complaints Commissioner.
GPO Box 960, Hobart TAS 7001
Toll Free: 1300 766 725      Fax: 6233 8966